Knowledge Base


eRx: Overview

For a comprehensive overview, please download this PDF. 

DrFirst is our integration partner for ePrescribing. Along with prescribing medications and maintenance of the active medications list, our DrFirst integration supports Problem and Allergy List management. All lists will be managed in DrFirst and synced back to the Welkin Care Portal into the patient’s record. 

Welkin’s partnership with DrFirst allows clinicians to order prescriptions, perform medication reconciliation to keep the medication list up to date, and maintain problem and allergy lists. This clinical data can be synced from DrFirst Rcopia back into Welkin so that the care team has a complete view of the patient’s clinical information.

Clinicians can launch into DrFirst Rcopia from Welkin, using the icon under the Patient Header. This is an empty medication, problem and allergy list for this patient.

DrFirst requires specific patient demographic information to create the Welkin patient in Rcopia. If required information is missing, the Welkin user will not be able to launch into Rcopia with the Welkin patient.

Required fields are:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Gender
  • Phone (Welkin has only one phone number on the patient’s profile)
  • Date of Birth
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

When all required patient demographic information is present, Rcopia opens in a new browser tab, with the Welkin patient in context.

To add a new active medication to the patient’s Medication List. Start by doing a search for a Medication.

  • Adding the details of the Medication.
  • Medications are added to the patient’s medication list in Rcopia.

Adding a Diagnosis to the Patient’s list in Rcopia.

  • Rcopia also supports Allergy and Problem List management. These lists can be synced back into Welkin.
  • Coded diagnosis (ICD-10) and Onset date can be added.
  • View of Rcopia with Medications, Problems/Diagnosis and Allergy Lists. 
  • When Clinician logs out of Rcopia, the data is synced back into Welkin, with a read-only view of the lists. Rcopia is the source of truth for this information so all changes and additions to Medications, Allergies and Diagnosis/Problems will be completed in Rcopia.
  • Data synced into Welkin from Rcopia

DrFirst Advanced Features

Formulary – If there is a prescription benefit for the patient, DrFirst will display formulary information to inform the prescriber of the brand and generic options. 

Transmission Logs:

You can find the transmission logs in Rcopia, under the Prescription Management widget. Once you change the filters in order to look for completed prescriptions, when you select a row, a window will open up that will include those transmission logs. Please see the screenshots below.

  • PDMP turned on for practice
  • MyBenefits – Benefits check

Recently used will pre-populate smed signatures

Add to Favorites – Blue Star next to med name

For EPCS – need to do two factor and pin – 54:00 in the recording

To learn how to configure eRX in designer, please go to this article.