Knowledge Base


Turning on Notifications for Communications

Sending Notifications for communications is often enabled for those who may not be able to check or tend to messages right away – or want to be notified immediately of any incoming correspondence from a patient.

To enable this functionality in Designer, scroll down on the left vertical menu bar to “User Notifications” and select “UserNotification Templates”

Select “+New” in the upper right corner to start a new template

Add a Notification Template Title

Select Type: Plain Text or HTML

Select Message types: Email, SMS, Chat

Add a Subject and Body to your notification (the variables on the right can be added to the message body only)

Select “Save Changes” when finished

On the left hand vertical menu, select, “User Notifications” and click “+New” in the upper right corner.

Create a title for the new user notification

Select how the user will be notified: Email, SMS, Notification, or you can select send a webhook

Selecting the notification type will enable you to select the template below the relevant dropdown menu.

Select the event sub-type for which the notification should be sent

When finished, select “Save Changes”

More Questions?
If you have any questions regarding User Notifications for Comms , please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.