Knowledge Base


Encounters: Overview

An encounter is a structured engagement between a provider and a patient. Encounters will display in Care in multiple locations:

  • Home Screen 
  • Calendar 
  • Encounter Tab 
  • Patient’s Chart


You can also control access via Roles in the Security Policies tab.

Encounter Templates are created for each type of structured visit. Encounter Templates, also allow you to define the manner in which you will interact with the patient:

  • Video Call
  • Phone Call
  • In Person.


In addition to Encounter Templates you are able to include:

  • Encounter Details
  • Instructions
  • Assessments
  • Encounter Dispositions
  • Comments

During an Encounter, providers complete linked assessments to record patient issues and progress. Encounters also allow you to record additional data, as well as visit notes using Encounter Dispositions. See here to learn more about creating Encounter Templates.

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.