Knowledge Base
How To
- eSignature Configuration
- Custom Field Types
- Create Advanced Automations
- Create Security Policies
- Visual Components & Dependencies
- Automated Notifications
- Automations That Trigger Outbound Communications
- CDT Configuration
- Charts & Graphs: How to Configure
- Create Formulaic Custom Data Type Fields
- Create Patient Facing Assessment (PFA) Folders
- Configure Help Section
- Configure Phone Names
- Customize Action Bar
- Defining Regions and Territories
- Document Types: How To Configure
- Filtering With Message Template Variables
- How to Add Assessments to a Template
- Filtering With Message Template Variables
- How To Associate Assessments with Programs
- How to Create Navigation Layouts
- How To Create an Assessment or Form Template
- Patient Data View
- Zoom: How to use telehealth in Designer
- Opt Out Patients from SMS Communications
- Assessments - How to Add Conditionality
- Create User Notifications
- Create Automated Appointment Reminders
- Turning on Notifications for Communications
- Create PDFs from Forms & Assessments
- Configuring Security Policies
- How to create and configure roles
- Designer: Enable Patient Delete
- Designer: How to Configure Scored Assessments
- Designer: How to Create Automations
- Encounters: Dependencies
- DocuSign: Implementation Checklist
- Export Designer Configuration
- Task Creation
- Creating a Message Template
Features Overview
- Visual Components
- Security Policy Detail
- Task Management
- API Exports: Usage
- Designer: User Access
- DocuSign: Feature Overview in Designer
- Enable Patient Delete
- Brand Terminology: Flexibility
- Designer Overview
- Forms: Conditional Logic
- Programs and Phases
- Webhooks
- Notifications and Alerts
- Data Views
- Dictionaries
- Custom Data Types (CDT)
- Change Summary and Version History
- eRx: Overview
Custom Data Types (CDT): Designer
Custom Data Types (also known as CDTs) are user defined fields that are used to record information.
CDTs are built within Designer under the “Custom Data” > “Data Types” section
- Click on “+New” in the upper right corner to create a new CDT – Enter a name for the CDT (lower case, numbers,underscores or hyphens) Note. The system will automatically generate a prefix as defined in the Naming Conventions area that you can use, or remove).
- Create your data fields (cdtf)
- Name (same limits as the CDT)
- Type: (Standards like text, boolean, integer, as well as custom types, dictionary types, and profile types (explained in other articles)
- Select options (variable by data type)
- Enter Required status or PHI status, if needed
- Choose “+Data field” to create more cdtf items
Final tips:
When creating a CDT and associated cdtfs, think about how you will use them in your care plan. Any time you access a CDT
to complete a field or multiple fields in either a data view or an Assessment, you are writing to all of the cdtfs when you save changes. So in the case you create a CDT with 10 cdtfs and you only access and write to two of them in an Assessment, you will actually, when saving that assessment, be also writing 8 blank/null values to the other cdtfs that were not referenced. This could cause display issues or data inconsistency. Please feel free to speak to the Implementation/CSM team at Welkin to assist with specific cases and recommendations. Also, always remember to update Security Policies when creating new CDTs.
More Questions?
If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.