Knowledge Base


Security Policy Detail

When creating or reviewing a Security Policy, users have a number of different categories to address.  Each of these is summarized below:

  • General
  • Calendar
  • Patient Info
  • Encounters
  • Patient Profile
  • Insights
  • Internal Data Types
  • Profiles
  • Data Types
  • Communication
  • Forms
  • Export Data
  • Documents
  • Care Plans
  • Programs
  • Dictionaries

Each category will have a combination of the following options available:

CancelChange Encounter to Canceled statusReadRead the item
Change PhaseChange Program PhaseRead DetailsRead Document Details
CompleteChange Encounter to Complete statusRead MaskedRead the item, when configured as masked
CreateCreate the itemStartChange Encounter to In Progress status
DeleteDelete the itemUpdateUpdate the item
ExportAllow download of export itemUpdate CompletedUpdate a completed Form
FinalizeFinalize the FormUpdate DetailsUpdate Document Details
Full AccessAllow access to Communication itemsWriteCreate new Calendar events
Move to PlannedChange Encounter to Planned status

– Most frequently used polices are marked with “*”

General*:  General contains permissions for interacting with a patient item or creating a new patient

Patient Info: Permission for interacting with specific “Patient Info” data types

Patient Profile*: Permission for interacting with specific “Patient Profile” data types

Internal Data Types*: Permission for interacting with system data types such as Form/Assessment scores, Formula fields, and Encounter Disposition fields

Data Types*: Permission for interacting with most organization-specific data elements  

Forms*: Permission for interacting with custom forms 

Documents: Permission for interacting with specific Document types, either system or custom

Programs*: Permission for controlling who can make manual changes to Program status and Phases in Care

Calendar*: Permission for interacting with and reading user calendar events

Encounters: Permission for interacting with custom Encounter types

Insights: Permission to view internal system reports present in the Insights tab

Profiles*: Permission to interact with different Profile data types

Communication*: Permission to allow access to different Communication channels and messages, including Chat, Email, Phone, and others

Export Data:  Permission to download Export files of different data elements (assigned to APIs)

Care Plans: Permission to interact with Care Plan data elements

Dictionaries: Permission to interact with Dictionary data elements

Tips and tricks:

  • Use the “Select All” or the check boxes in the header of the categories to apply the permission to multiple items
  • Use the Search box to find individual items to update, when making changes

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.