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Patient-Facing App

The portable App that evolves with
your organization

Create your perfect App using our code as the foundation, and adapting the rest to your standards.

You’re in the driver’s seat 

Thinking of building an App? We provide the building blocks, you control the rest:

  • Take your App wherever you go. We help code it, you own it. It’s not dependent on Welkin.
  • Open APIs allow you to retain full control over configurability, customization, and integrations
  • Dictate what your interface looks like, and personalize for brand adherence
  • Accelerate your time to market, get up and running in as little as six weeks

Patients can access care anywhere

Welkin’s Patient-facing App for iOS and Android allows your patients to engage with their care team securely and easily

  • Pre-integrated solution helps facilitate even more patient interactions and data sharing with your organization
  • Seamless communication, appointment scheduling, document management, assessment management and much more
  • Secure, HIPAA compliant interface

The patient facing app allows patients to:

Engage with their care team

Home screen shows conversations, scheduled appointments, educational materials, and quick links to health documents and health app data logging.


Have direct, real-time communication with their doctors and specialists. Patient will be able to have chat conversations with anyone on the care team assigned to them.

Schedule appointments

Patients can keep track of any upcoming appointments or book their next appointment in the App. The calendar looks at care team availability by appointment type.

Complete and manage surveys

Need to collect patient data? Patients can manage and submit questionnaires and assessments. They’ll see which one’s they still need to complete, and have submitted.

Manage themselves and their family

Patient profiles allow patients to access personal details, health records, care team members, and communication preferences for themselves and their families.

Share and access data

Patients can sync wearable devices like FitBit, Apple Watches, or many others to share data with their team. They can also manage health documents they’d like to share.

Developer-friendly and extensible 

  • Integrate with your own CMS
  • Reliable and maintainable solution built with scalable architecture
  • Extensive documentation for faster development
  • Easy to modify and compatible across multiple platforms
Make your program more care-centric today.