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- Filtering With Message Template Variables
- How To Create an Assessment or Form Template
- How To Associate Assessments with Programs
- How to Add Assessments to a Template
- How to Configure Scored Assessments
- Create PDFs from Forms & Assessments
- Create Patient Facing Assessment (PFA) Folders
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Programs and Phases
Programs and Phases are used as a visual representation of a patient’s care journey. Welkin Health supports the configuration of multiple programs. Each Program has Phases or steps that are used to define patient progress.

Select the item “Programs” to configure.
To create a new Program, click “+New” on the right of the screen.
- Create a Title for your Program. This will be what is displayed in Care when a user references a Program View.
- Define the Name of the Program. This field will auto populate based on the Title of the Program, but can be changed manually if desired. This field is used in the system and APIs to identify the specific Program.
- Add a Program Description: The Program description will be available to a user in Care when they open the info icon for a Program.
- Create Phases and Phase connections for the Program (see below)

Phases are used to define steps in a patient Program. Some typical phases include “Intake”, “Education”, “Enrollment”, and “Complete.” Each organization and Program is customizable by use-case. All new Programs begin with a “Start” and “Finish” Phase prepopulated.
To create a Phase, use the “+Phase” button. This will open a display on the right where you enter a Phase Title, Name, and Description. You can also manually link this Phase to any others by addin
g a relationship. Relationships can also be added by dragging arrows between Phases. Continue to create and name Phases until you have all that you need.
Once Phases are created, use the interface to drag the Phases to logical places on the screen. Here you can also link any unlinked Phases by dragging from the edge of one to the edge of another. If you need to zoom in or out use the scroll function on your mouse or touchpad.

All Programs need at least one Finishing Phase. The Finishing Phase is configured to be the final logical step in the Program.
When you click on any Phase, in the upper right of the display you will define a Phase as either a Transitional Phase, Finishing Phase, or Auto Finishing Phase (defined below):
- Transitional Phase: Default setting for all new Phases.
- Finishing Phase: Logical conclusion of a Program, but does not set a Program status to complete/closed when entered by a patient.
- Auto Finishing Phase: Logical conclusion of a Program. When a patient enters this Phase, the Program also automatically sets to complete/closed and the patient cannot be moved back from this Phase.
Once you have configured all Phases, click Save Changes.
Tips and Tricks:
- You can Rename the Start and Finish Phases that are present by default to a name of your choice, but they cannot be deleted.
- It is easiest to create all Phases and Phase names before placing them in the correct order and configuration.
- Once placed correctly, link Phases using the arrow-drag technique for the easiest configuration.
- Set the Finishing Phase characteristics as the final step to creating the Program.
- All Phases need at least one relationship.
More Questions?
If you have any questions, please email the Customer Success Management team at or contact your Implementation/CSM directly.