Knowledge Base



Creating Webhooks

Interoperability between different applications is required for seamless workflows across a care program. Welkin webhooks provide data to other applications immediately when it becomes available in the Care Portal. Customers of Welkin can configure endpoints for Welkin events to get the data to ensure clinicians have an integrated workflow between the multiple systems they use for care management.

Step 1 – Creating the Webhook Label in Designer

Configure a webhook by creating the label in Designer:

  • Click on “Create Draft” on the Change Summary Page
  • Click on ‘Submit’ after choosing if the draft will be from the current configuration in Designer or if a new configuration will be uploaded
  • Go to Task Management – Webhooks in the left vertical menu pane
  • Click on the +New button in the upper right corner
  • Add the webhook’s label in the “Title” bar
  • Click “Save”
  • Go to the Change Summary page and click “Publish”

Step – 2 Activating and Additional Setup of the Webhook in Admin

The second step to configuring the webhook is activating it, adding the URL, and setting up additional fields, such as headers and custom fields, if needed in Admin.

  • Navigate to the “Integrations” menu in the left vertical menu pane
  • Click on the ‘Webhooks’ tab
  • Select the environment the webhook label was created in
    • You can filter based on the Status of ‘Active’, Inactive’, and ‘Deleted’
    • The default sorting shows all three statuses
  • Click on the ellipses to the right of the webhook that needs configured
  • Change the webhook’s status from ‘Inactive’ to ‘Active’
  • The Title field contains the label created in Designer
  • Add the URL the webhook will send information to
  • Add a Header and it’s value if needed
  • Add a Query and it’s parameter and value if needed
  • The Default fields are a listing of the fields sent by the webhook
    • Clicking on the information button to the right of the Default fields will open a drawer displaying the fields’ definitions
  • Add Custom fields and their values if needed
  • Click “Save”

Step 3 – Adding the Webhook to an Automation

The last step in configuring the webhook is adding it to an Automation’s Action in Designer

  • Click on “Create Draft” on the Change Summary Page
  • Click on “Automations” from the left pane
  • Click on the +New button if creating a new Automation or click on an existing Automation to add the webhook to it
  • Once the Automation is open click on the “Action Type” drop down box and choose ‘Webhook’ under “System”
  • Select the webhook from the ‘Webhook’ dropdown box
  • Click “Save Changes”
  • Click “Publish” on the Change Summary page to publish the update to Care

To learn more about creating Automations, follow this link

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.