Knowledge Base
Care Overview
Care Home
Care Calendar
Care Patients
- Patients
- Patient Profile
- Patient Profile
- Patient Profile: Editing Patient Information
- My Patients: Create and Search
- My Patients and Bulk Edits/Actions
- Patient Care Teams
- Patient Programs and Phases
- Goals
- Forms and Assessments
- Creating Forms and Assessments
- Charts & Graphs
- Document Management
- Documents: Uploading
- Data Views
Care Encounters
Care Communications
Care Profiles
Roles are used to assign privileges and views to the care team. Each Role has an associated Security Policy or policies that govern the user’s interaction with data in Care, and also define what elements of the Care application they have available. All users in Welkin are required to have at least one Role, but they may have as many as allowed by their organization. Note: Roles are created in Designer and assigned to users in Admin.
By clicking on their initials in the top right corner of Care, a user can identify which Role they are assigned, and switch between Roles. The user’s current Role is listed to the right of their name.
Roles determine which tabs in the green menu bar are available. They also manage which Layouts and Data Views are visible within a patient record. They even control whether the user has read/write access to certain fields in a Custom Data Type (CDT).
Below, the first screenshot shows a user’s view when using the “admin” Role. The second screenshot shows the same user’s display when using the health coach role. Notice there are more menu tabs, Navigation Layouts, and Data Views available in the “admin” role. When accessing using the “health coach” Role, the text in the ‘Patient Note’ and ‘Problem List’ Data View disappear since the role does not have read/write access to these fields.
Admin Role View

Health Coach Role View

Follow this link to learn more about creating Data Views::
Follow this link to learn more about creating Navigation Layouts:
Follow this link to learn more about configuring Security Policies:
More Questions?
If you have any questions, please email the Customer Success Management team at or contact your Implementation/CSM directly.