Knowledge Base
Features Overview
- Help Section
- Roles
- Patients
- eRX: Reporting
- Encounters: Patient Profile
- Labs: Overview
- Patient Profile
- Home Screen
- Care: Programs and Phases
- Care: Profiles Overview
- DocuSign: Feature Overview in Care
- Bulk Edit
- Overview
- Insights
- Document Management
- Goals
- Forms and Assessments
- Patient Care Teams
- Charts & Graphs
- Communication Center
- Encounters Overview
- Patient Profile
- Calendar
- Task Management
- User Profile
How To
- Charts & Graphs: Filter, change date and by data point
- Care: My Patients and Bulk Edits/Actions
- Logging into Care
- Encounters: Draft Mode and Finalizing Notes & Assessments
- Reset Your Password: Jira Service Management (JSM)
- Manage Unrecognized Communication
- Encounters: Create, Modify, complete
- Working Hours and Encounter Availability
- Create Calendar Events
- Documents: Uploading
- Creating Forms and Assessments
- Patient Profile: Editing Patient Information
- My Patients: Create and Search
Patient Profile
The patient profile is where all data for each patient lives. Next to the patient name is a link to “edit” where you can add or change patient demographic info, assign preferred communication schedules, and assign yourself and other users to the patient’s care team.
Additionally, all patient profiles have links to the Communications Center from the icons under the patient’s name. Email, phone, chat, and SMS are all accessible here. There is also an icon to access Zoom video.
Below the icons are a number of data layouts and views that you can review and modify. Which layouts you see is completely customizable. They include both custom layouts (ie. Clinical Summary and Vitals) built in Designer, as well as Welkin system layouts (Assessments, Care Plans, Encounters, Documents) pre-built and available to use.
- Patient Summary: Custom layout. Patient extended demographics and insurance info
- Medical History: Custom layout. Medical History, Family Medical History, Hospitalizations
- Clinical Summary: Custom Layout. Primary Diagnosis, Visit Note, Active Problems, Allergies, Active Medications
- Program Summary: Custom Layout. Enrolled Treatment Programs
- Metrics and Score: Custom Layout. Charts of SDOH and PHQ-9 results over time
- Vitals: Custom Layout. Charts of Blood Pressure, Glucose Meter reading, Body Weight, Body Temperature, Resting Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate
- Labs: Custom Layout. Charts of Creatinine, Potassium, Sodium, Urea
- Assessments: System Layout. Access to In Progress, Completed and new Assessments and Forms to complete with patients
- Care Plans: System Layout. Custom Care plans with patient goals
- Encounters: System Layout. Patient-specific encounters
- Documents: System Layout. Document archive for scans, assessment/note copies, and other documents
Please visit our other Knowledge Base Articles: Patient Profile: Editing Patient Info and My Patients: Creating and Searching for Patients to learn more.