Knowledge Base


How to Create Navigation Layouts

Navigation Layouts are the tabs listed under the Patient Profile in Care that contain patient information. Navigation Layouts

 allow you to create a patient view and structure information in accordance with your program. Within that Navigation Layouts you can add 

Data Views and other UI components and define how the data will be displayed under certain categories in the patient’s record. In the below image, Patient Summary, Program Summary, etc. are examples of Navigation Layouts.

To create a Navigation Layout in Designer follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Navigation (Layouts) under “Patient” in the left menu options of Designer
  2. Click “+New”
  3. Give the Navigation Layout a title as it will appear in Care
  4. Choose the Roles that will have access to the Navigation Layout in Care from the ‘Roles’ dropdown menu
  5. Choose the components in the left ‘Available’ column. These are UI components within Welkin such as CDT’s, Programs, Encounters, Assessments, and Charts and Graphs
  6. Move the ‘Visible’ UI components either up, down, or beside each other to configure the order in which they will appear in the Navigation Layout of Care

To learn more:

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.