Knowledge Base


Visual Components

The Visual Components category of Designer is used to create and configure the majority of the user-facing objects that are present in Care.

There are six categories available*:

*Please see the individual Knowledge Base articles for details into each category.


The Forms area of Designer is used to create and configure user or patient-facing Forms or Assessments.  Examples include Intake Forms, SOAP Notes, and Patient Satisfaction Forms.

PFA Folders (Patient Facing Assessment Folders)

PFA Folders are used to create the individual or group of forms that will be sent within a patient SMS/Email for completion by a patient.  Here you can configure a color palette for the link a patient sees, messaging once they open and/or complete their forms, and other settings.

Charts and Graphs

Charts and Graphs are configured to provide users a display of certain patient data as collected over time.  The line and bar charts here can include data such as blood pressure, weight, or values from scored forms or assessments.

Data Views

Data Views are created to present a user with the information that was collected from a patient through a form, sent by API, or documented directly by a user.  These views can be universal for all users, or configured specific to individual role types.  Here an organization can also choose whether to allow users to directly add or enter information into a patient record, or restrict the data to read-only.

Program Summary

Program Summary is used to create views of the Patient Programs that have been created.  Organizations can establish one or more different views of their Programs, and use these views to restrict or allow the ability to add or edit Programs by their users.

Relationship View

This area is used to create a visual element to establish a relationship between two patients, such as a husband and wife.

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.