Knowledge Base


CDT Configuration

Data Types are one of the cornerstones for customization in Welkin.  This document will cover:

  • What are Custom Data Types and Configuration
  • How to use CDT’s and What to Consider
  • Formulas

What are Custom Data Types and Configuration

Custom Data Types, or CDTs, allow for the entry of data points that may be used throughout Welkin. 

When creating a new CDT – it is best to think of the CDT name as the folder name, and the data fields created within the CDT (CDTFs) as sub-categories of that folder. 

CDT’s are created in Designer.  In the left hand vertical menu, select Custom Data > Data types.

Click on +New in the Data Types screen

After selecting +New, the New Data Type screen will appear.

From here, enter the name (which can be considered the ‘folder name’) and then enter the data field name (which can be considered the ‘sub-folder’).

Next, select the type of data that will be contained within this field from the drop-down.  There are many options to select from.  Certain selections from this drop-down will make more options appear for this data field.

For example, if selecting ‘Boolean’, an additional field will appear asking if the data field should be a radio button or a checkbox.


Continue to add additional fields by selecting the ‘+ Data Field’ button at the bottom of the previous data field.


How to use CDT’s and What to Consider

Once you have created CDTs, they can be utilized for various functions across Welkin.  The most prevalent usage of CDTs will be in Forms/Assessments.  

As an example – the below image shows the start of building a new Assessment.  

A question would be entered into the ‘Question’ field’, and then the drop downs would give a list of Data Types that were created.  Next, you would select the Data field, these are the fields that were created below the Data Type.  

These fields will record the answer the patient provides during the assessment within the Custom Data Type.  

For more information on creating Assessments, please refer to the following knowledge base article:


  • When a CDT is referenced in an Assessment – it will write a value to all CDTFs regardless if they are surfaced in the Assessment.
  • A Data View for a CDT can only surface values collected in one CDT.  You can not combine several CDTs into one Data View. 
  • The creation of any CDTs will require updates to your current Security Policies.
  • CDT names cannot be changed once they are created.
  • Once a new CDTF is created, its settings cannot be changed (for example, if selecting a list type, it cannot be changed later to a free text).

Before creating CDTs, think through the above considerations and what the end result of the data being collected will be for your organization before creating the Custom Data Types.


Formulas are a specific CDTF type that allows for the calculation of values based on other CDTFs within the same CDT.

An example of this would be BMI, or Body Mass Index.  

In this example – a patient took an Assessment that recorded their height and weight into two CDTFs.  

Another CDTF can utilize these two data fields in a formula that would output the patient’s BMI and store it to the formula CDTF, which can then be used in a Data View.

For more information on Formulas, please see the following knowledge base articles – 

Create Formulaic Custom Data Type Fields

More Questions?

If you have any questions regarding Custom Data Types, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.