Knowledge Base


Notifications and Alerts

It is important for care teams to be notified when important events occur regarding a patient. Notifications are provided from the system or can be customized and configured by the customer. Designer is used to create external notifications that are controlled and triggered based on the client configuration. With external notifications, care team members will receive emails or sms for important events that occur in Welkin. For example, if a patient moves into “High Risk”, care team members want to act fast to get the patient back on track, and so may set up a custom external notification.


Welkin’s internal notifications will keep you informed on what’s happening with your patients. While in Welkin, we’ll notify you with a visual display of a bell ring when you have received new notifications.  The bell indicator will also show how many unread notifications you have.

Key Features for Notifications

  • Configure the notifications that are important for your care team
  • Mark notifications as read/unread 
  • Archive notifications that you no longer need to see
  • External SMS or email notifications when care team members are not actively working in Welkin Care Portal

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please email the Customer Success Management team at or contact your Implementation/CSM directly.