eRX: Implementation Checklist

eRX – Implementation Checklist 

Administrative Tasks 

  • Client signs SCR and SCR is placed in client shared drive
  • After SCR is signed – billing will be generated according to SCR
  • Client fills out DrFirst tab within the project plan

Welkin Environment Tasks 

  • In Admin of the client environment – create API Client
  • Download API client name and secret and save within the project plan
  • Assign license seat to the API client
  • Create CDT’s of Incoming Fields 

Dr. First Tasks

Welkin completes the  Dr First – Internal Customer Practice & Provider Set up Steps

STEP 1:  Dr First – Internal Customer Practice Set up Steps 

  • Create Practice
  • Create Vendor account within practice
  • Create a support ticket with DrFirst to initiate practice set up
  • Create Jira ticket for Welkin Engineering (PSE ticket)

STEP 2 – Dr First – Internal Customer Provider (prescriber) Set up Steps

  • Customer sends in a ticket requesting set up of new providers (prescriber) in Dr First (JSM new platform, WS ticket)
  • Go to the DrFirst tool to create & add the Provider 
  • The new provider needs to be set up in Welkin.   To complete this you need to open a PSE ticket to request the set up.
  • The Customer admin has to go into the following system & approve the provider before they are able to prescribe:
  • Follow the steps from 24-26 of the document:


Provide client with following materials

More Questions?

To find more information regarding this integration including our DrFirst Integration contacts, DrFirst support articles, and FAQ’s from prior client integrations, review the 

Dr. First Notion Page