SSO Setup

Welkin’s system provides access to multiple SSO tools through Admin.  To enable SSO, follow the below steps.

Step 1. Choose your preferred SSO vendor

In Admin, navigate to “Security Settings” and toggle-on the Single Sign-On “Status” toggle. Next, choose your SSO vendor from the drop-down.  Welkin currently supports:

  • Okta
  • Auth0
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Onelogin
  • PingIdentity
  • Google – visit this article for additional details 

As you make your selection, an instruction area will appear, as well as a field for a Metadata URL.  Use the information in the instructions area to update your SSO vendor, and to insert any necessary settings in the Metadata URL.

Step 2. Enable SSO at the user level

Once you have completed the configuration, navigate to an individual user or users in Admin, and enable the SSO toggle in the upper-right “Security” area.  Your user will now have a button on log-in for SSO.