Data Audit

The Data Audit in the Welkin Admin portal is used to monitor and review the history and changes your users and APIs have made to patient records.  Navigate to the Admin navigation menu item “Data Audit” to begin.

Your screen will begin with an unfiltered list of all activities across your Organization.  To find a specific event, you may need to use the filters across the top of the list.  Those include:

  • Environment
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Actor
  • Target
  • Operation
  • Object Type
  • CDT Name (only active for certain Object Type filters)

Environment Filter:  This filter will provide a drop down listing each of your Environments (typically some version of Live, Staging, and Sandbox).

Start Date: Start Date is used to specify the beginning of the date range you would like to filter.

End Date: End Date is used to specify the end of the date range you would like to filter.

Actor:  Actor is used to filter based on the name of a User or API who may have taken the action.

Target:  Target is used to filter by the name of a patient.

Operation:  Operation filters by one of the three activity types tracked in the audit:


Object Type:  Object Type allows you to filter by one of six Welkin Health Objects that you may want to audit:

  • CDT
  • Patient
  • User
  • Task
  • Calendar
  • Unrecognized Communication

CDT Name:  If you select “CDT” as the Object Type, you can here specify exactly which CDT you would like to include in your filter.

Once you have filtered, review the details of any listed line by clicking on the “+” to expand and see the JSON details.

If you have trouble understanding the items displayed in the JSON view of the Audit Log, please contact your CSM or Implementation manager for assistance.

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.