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Phone Tree Audit
Basic and Advanced Phone Tree Implementation
Welkin phone trees can be defined by your team and built by the Welkin team. The phone tree will route a caller to a user or voicemail based on decision types/options chosen by your team.
When phone trees are utilized, the Phone Tree Audit in Admin will log incoming calls. The logs show detailed information of how the call was routed to a user, voicemail, or call termination.
After clicking on ‘Phone Tree Audit’ in the left menu options, users can search for phone calls based on items such as ‘Start Date’ of the call, the ‘Patient MRN’, the ‘Patient Full Name’, or the ‘Patient Phone’. If no search options are selected, all calls will be displayed beginning with the most recent incoming phone call at the top then proceeding in descending order.
As can be seen in the above photo, the call’s date and time, the patient’s/caller’s information, and the person who answered the call (if answered) is displayed as header information for each call.
Clicking on a call’s header will show data in the “Nodes” tab. This tab displays such things as whether the phone number was recognized (attached to a patient in the Care Portal) and if steps such as language selection or working hours were utilized in the phone tree to route the call to the appropriate Welkin user.

The “Webhooks” tab contains which webhooks were utilized to route the call through each step of the phone tree.

For basic and advanced phone tree implementation setup in Designer, please visit this article.
More Questions? If you have any questions, please email the Customer Success Management team at or contact your Implementation/CSM directly.