Security Audit

The Security Audit section of Admin provides users with a means to track User permissions.  As new users are added, permissions are changed, or users licenses added, the system will track that activity.  To review this information, click on the Admin menu item “Security Audit”.

The screen will default to a list of all User Audit activities, but you may want to use the filters to find the activity you are looking for. Those filter options include:

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Actor
  • Target

Start Date: Start Date is used to specify the beginning of the date range you would like to filter.

End Date: End Date is used to specify the end of the date range you would like to filter.

Actor:  Actor is used to filter based on the name of a User or API who may have taken the action.

Target:  Target is used to filter by the name of a user.

Once you have applied your filter and received the filtered results, click on the line of the event you would like to review to open a JSON view of the activity details.

If you have trouble understanding the items displayed in the JSON view of the Security Log, please contact your CSM or Implementation manager for assistance.

More Questions?

If you have any questions, please visit the Welkin Health Knowledge-Base or contact your Implementation/CSM for more information.