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Tag: patient relationships

What Patient Relationship Reports Do You Need?

Providers now use metrics to analyze quality of care and patient engagement. But with the increased financial strains facing payers and providers, they also need to measure efficiency. The problem,... Read More >

Notice Anything…Different?

We warned you. Big things were in the works to help us better tell the Welkin story. About a year ago, we began thinking critically on how Welkin expressed itself.... Read More >

Modernizing Medicare: CMS Proposes Reforms Promoting Digital Health

The potential for telehealth and other digital health services to improve patient engagement and relieve some of the major challenges facing health care is abundant. Yet, despite the data proving... Read More >

Overcoming One of Health Care’s Greatest Hurdles: Patient Nonadherence

Maintaining adherence is key to improving the health of patients living with chronic or serious disease. For some, it’s a matter of life and death. Yet, as we know, the... Read More >

Meeting Complex Health Needs Across Patient Populations

Managing complex and chronic disease is complicated, and for some patients, there are numerous factors which can make the task especially difficult and therefore, seemingly impossible. The health care industry... Read More >

The Promise of Workplace Wellness Programs

Employee wellness programs have greatly evolved with our understanding of what constitutes total wellness for an individual. To be in “good health” no longer assumes only physical health, but the... Read More >

Advancing Solutions for Kidney Disease

Every day we see the potential technology provides to create better pathways of care—for the people delivering care and the patients they treat who are managing their own chronic disease(s).... Read More >

Simplifying Complex Care Management: A Case Study

Community Health Center Network (CHCN) is a non-profit managed care organization supporting the health needs of the Bay Area’s most at-risk and underserved populations. CHCN developed Care Neighborhood, a care... Read More >

We’re on a Mission

At Welkin, we take pride in describing ourselves as “mission-driven.” We were founded in 2013 to 1) build software and 2) create a solution which helps solve a social problem.... Read More >

2017: Welkin’s Most Transformative Year

2017 kept health care on its toes. For much of the year, we watched as the legislative branch considered the many ways they could slice, dice, or kill the ACA,... Read More >

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