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Clinical Trials

Transform your clinical trial process

Care programs for clinical trials

Support your innovation or drug with the right technology

Support critical steps throughout your clinical trial by customizing clinical protocols, maintaining compliance and tracking data and outcomes.

Reduce administrative and manual tasks

The burden of administrative and manual tasks during a clinical trial can be cumbersome, to say the least. Automating pieces of your trial can help streamline the process, while still maintaining compliance, from enrollment through taking it to market. Automate consent forms, questionnaires, assessments, diary logging, reminders, check-ins, to reduce the number of manual tasks your team needs to manage.

Create repository of accessible information

The tediousness of maintaining a paper trail is cumbersome and yet a clinical trial takes a team approach where the entire team shares the need to have the full picture of the program in order to do their jobs and take care of participants. With all critical information in one place, incoming research assistants and other personnel can more easily and quickly get up to speed on the particulars of the trial to keep the entire team in sync and on schedule.

Support participant recruiting

Identifying and qualifying clinical trial participants can take up to 30% of the development time during a clinical trial. Finding appropriate participants – those who fit the requirements after multiple stages of qualifications – is such a complex challenge, the typical delay can be anywhere from 1-6 months for a majority of trials. Welkin can help support you in sourcing, organizing and subsequently scheduling regular check-ins with candidates. This streamlines the identification process and, by eliminating manual efforts for emailing, introduces greater overall efficiency.

Support communication & check-ins

Clinical trials vary according to the specific requirements of each individual trial but communication is an essential component of every one. Technology can reduce the heavy lift that’s required – which is no small thing in trials where check-ins must happen on a weekly or even daily basis. Whether it’s email communication to confirm a participant’s acceptance, consent forms, questionnaires that must be filled out, logs of activity, reminders of in-person appointments, technology can ensure that communications are scheduled on a set cadence, sent and confirmed, logged and searchable, and automated when needed.

Ease process for adverse events

Depending on severity, adverse events can knock a clinical trial momentarily off course or derail it altogether. Whether it’s a mild or severe symptom, adverse events must be rigorously documented for grant monitors. Timestamps at every point of participant interaction – from the most routine of interactions like questionnaire completion to when a participant experiences a negative symptom or outcome – are crucial. Clinical trials can benefit from a faster way to pull together all the paperwork required for analysis, to ensure that those leading the trial can understand what happened much more quickly and adjust as needed for participant safety.

Improve data collection and logging

Data collection is a core part of any trial effort – and the logistical legwork and maintenance involved is burdensome to maintain. Yet to demonstrate compliance – with the FDA, NIH, institutional review boards, granting institutions – at every turn in the process, maintenance is a must. Digital documentation can be a better alternative that offers more security, searchability, instant availability, reduced risk of error, and a one-stop-shop to find everything from the record of signed consent forms to notes on test results.

Granting institutions
Physician Assistant
Research coordinator
Research assistant
Registered Nurse
Technical Support

We know it takes a village

Welkin is designed to address care coordination. Assign the right team member to address patient needs at every step of the journey. We provide your team members with seamless transitions and a curated experience for every patient he or she serves.

Additional Features


We’re built to serve the healthcare community, so we connect with your systems

Positive Patient Outcomes

Deliver personalized care by tracking detailed care plans, celebrating milestones and offering support

Seamless Communication

Have more options to reach out to clients and deliver effective, compassionate care

We were looking for better ways to interact with information in real-time to make it more beneficial for our health coaches and members. We found this super easy with Welkin with all the call, text, and communication methods,

David Whitesock Face It TOGETHER
Make your program more care-centric today.